Can you tell Mount Laguna is quickly becoming one of my favorite places to shoot engagement sessions? The diversity in terrain, trees, plants, lighting, and tones is so vast that it’s like getting a palette of goodness in one shot! If you’re like me and just love nature in general, then you should think about […]
I think 2021 is an extra special year for engagements and weddings. After couples have had to reevaluate their plans, I’ve seen many opt for more intimate and personalized settings; Jose and Susan are no exception. The way these two personalized this engagement session was as sweet as it could be. Plus, the Scrabble board […]
Jason and Elizabeth absolutely nailed the concept of personalizing an engagement shoot. 🙂 They brought along their favorite beer and cute glasses to compliment, wore leather jackets and their favorite band tees, and had a little picnic in the park! When couples come to me with ideas to make the shoot feel more “them,” I […]
I’m so glad I was able to revisit Mount Laguna in the wintertime after shooting Isaac and Celeste’s engagement session in the fall of 2020. The winter vibes were distinct and there was a bit of snow on the ground, but I still got to soak in the deep browns and greens I enjoyed so […]
I LOVE funny moments caught on camera! Keep scrolling to the bottom if you want to see one of the funniest photobombs I think I’ve ever seen in the years I’ve been a photographer! I was dying when I saw the little kid fall over in the background and had to share with everyone. Despite […]
Who doesn’t love a snowy winter elopement in the woods?! I don’t think Joseph or Irene (or myself, for that matter!) expected there to be as much snow on the mountain as there was that day, but it was still such a special surprise and a magical time to be surrounded by their loving family […]