Edgar & Samantha are actually having a destination wedding in Cancun in June of this year! I am so excited to adventure with them and photograph all the memories that happen over their wedding weekend. Samantha has told me a little about some of the adventures they plan on taking and it is an honor to be able to capture every moment!
They also have an adorable little boy named Roman. As soon as I learned his name I automatically loved it – because I have always wanted to name my son Roman if I ever end up having a boy! He was cheesin’ it up all during the session and was so much fun to have around!
Part of being a professional photographer is being able to adapt to different situation and take the lead where necessary in order to put the needs of the couple ahead of your own. Despite knowing the weather is a bit colder up in the mountains in fall months, no one anticipated just how cold it was actually going to be. Now instead of choosing to stay at that location, I decided to offer a different location that was further down the mountain (and less cold) so that not only could the couple be more comfortable, but so that we did keep Roman in the cold during that time. And because I was familiar with the area, I had a plan B incase anything were to go wrong (even if it wasn’t cold). We were able to make it to that location, I paid for their parking, and we had a blast finishing up the shoot in some warmer weather.
I don’t say any of this to brag, this is merely out of a heart that wants ALL couples who are being photographed to be taken care of. Your photographer should be doing research about the area you are shooting so that there is always a back up plan in place incase anything goes south or plans have to change.
Service means more than just showing up, it means being prepared, putting your needs first, and being confident and joyful about the whole time!

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