Today I want to talk about something that might seem obvious to most of the people reading this post, but is something that most people actually don’t realize they forget, or forget unintentionally! A lot of times what ends up happening is the couple begins to overthink where they look, where to put their hands, […]

Trusting Your Photographer & Why That’s Important


If you are anything like me, you are a planner and love to dissect every possible variable when it comes to your wedding. So if you’re curious about the best way to approach the ceremony from a photography standpoint – look no further, because here is everything you need to know about ceremony photos! Unplugged […]

Everything You Need to Know About Ceremony Photos


So you’re stuck at home and maybe you want to pull out your partner’s hair and maybe you don’t, but either way why not spice up the days/nights with some fun date night ideas?? I gotchu! Here are 15 awesome and (technically all either FREE or AFFORDABLE) at-home date ideas during quarantine!     Get […]

15 Awesome & Affordable At-Home Date Ideas During Quarantine


So you’ve heard the term and you’re not quite sure why photographers you reach out to obsess over the term “golden hour” What does it mean? Why all the fuss? Are these people weirdos? Let me shed some light (ha, see what I did there) on the subject and explain: why golden hour is so […]

What’s So Important About Golden Hour?


    I’m sure now that we are in the year 2020, most couples out there know what first looks are BUT just for the sake of clarity, a first look is when the couple sees each other before the ceremony – put simply. It’s the opportunity to spend time just the two of you […]

Should You Do A First Look? Here Are All The Pros & Cons!


Hello again friends! I am so excited to be launching into week two of these helpful blog posts for ya. Now it might see at first glance that this isn’t super important, but I am actually here to say IT IS. I always try to make sure that I represent myself and how I operate […]

8 Things To Expect With Me As Your Photographer