Let’s talk engagement sessions for a second! First things first: I GOT YOU. You do not need to stress about what you need to do or not to do during your session. You don’t need to worry about where to put your hands, how to pose, or feel like you have to put on an […]

Joshua Tree National Park Engagement Session // Joshua Tree Engagement Photographers // Ryan & Jessica


This was seriously one of the most weddings I’ve ever worked. :’) At every turn, there was a surprise, whether it was Cesar and Claudia’s dogs wearing cute signs, or their daughter trying on her mom’s shoes, there was a new moment every minute to be smiling at. Editing this gallery took me right back […]

Grand Tradition Estate, Fallbrook Wedding // Fallbrook Wedding Photographers // Cesar & Claudia


Ryan & Monica are genuinely the most sweetest couple. How many times do us vendors get a thank you shoutout during the reception? It’s never expected of course, but whenever a couple takes the time to thank their vendors, it definitely gives us a warm fuzzy feeling 🙂 Galway Downs in Temecula was the perfect […]

Galway Downs, Temecula Wedding // Temecula Wedding Photographer // Ryan & Monica


To say I was counting down the days to this Idaho wedding in the Coeur d’Alene/Hayden Lake area is an understatement! Something I loved the most about the process with these two is that Jake & Haley never questioned ONCE the input/advice I would give them! That means SO MUCH to us as vendors and […]

Private Estate Wedding in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho // Idaho Wedding Photographers // Jake & Haley


I can now officially say that I’ve done a shoot in a lavender field! Check that off the bucket list. This was seriously such an ideal location, there were so many textures, colors, and that brilliant golden hour light that every photographer chases after. Brent and Andrea killed it and I genuinely left the shoot […]

Blue Barn Lavender Fields Engagement Session // Temecula Engagement Photographer // Brent & Andrea


Wow. What a gorgeous day. Looking back at these pictures a few months later, I am still blown away by how beautiful Rafael and Sarah’s day was. Their traditional ceremony was a special thing to experience, from the prayers and traditions to the rituals and recitations, everything was meaningful and was meant to start off […]

Building 177, San Diego Wedding // San Diego Wedding Photography // Rafael & Sarah