These two are the king and queen of research! From the very get go, we all were on top of doing the best we can to research the best option for these two – and I love that! My heart is a planning heart, which means I love to plan, organize, dream and bring to reality. As luck would have it thought, what we didn’t prepare for that day was the fact that Balboa Park was putting on their Food Truck Friday that day!
As I’ve mentioned before, it’s extremely important that we as professional photographers are constantly evaluating the situation – is this environment helping my couple feel comfortable? What can I do to better cater to them and what makes them feel the most natural? Being in a crowded area with tons of people milling about can definitely make for some cool slow-mo shots (which you will see below!) but it’s important to always keep the needs of the couple in the fore-front of your mind! I knew it was going to take time to help Rafael and Sarah feel at ease and comfortable in front of my camera and so I chose to still be artistic, but ultimately find the spots that were more secluded despite being one of the busiest days of 2019 at Balboa Park. And Rafael & Sarah noticed that, and appreciated my attention to detail in regards to that aspect!
We still had fun though, and we ended the day at Torrey Pines beach (which we found out upon arrival that the road was closed to cars to get up the hill) but being the incredible people they are, we trekked up that hill on our own 6 feet, and took some absolutely magical shots while the sun set! They were even kind enough to stand on top of a rock to get an awesome, adventurous shot.
It was such a blast being able to get to know them better and hear about their special day! They got engaged in Thailand, and hearing about how Rafael was able to keep the ring hidden despite all the airports they had to go through was quite entertaining!
Not all heroes wear capes 😉
Definitely looking forward to their special day (with all their nieces and nephews too!)

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