Imagine for a moment you were persuaded by some friends to go to a concert. Though initially you were thinking you wouldn’t go, you decided you might as well because why not! You show up with no thought that your life might change forever. You make your way through the crowd, occasionally tapping your foot to the rhythm of the music, and then it happens. You lock eyes with the person you will spend forever with, and everything stops. *cue the music*
Okay okay, I MIGHT have taken some creative liberty and dramatized the scenario a little hahaha BUT what still remains true is that these two met each other at a concert without ever having known each other prior. When I was on the discovery call with Tiffany, I mentioned that I LOVE hearing about the stories where both individuals happened to crossed paths at the exact same time & place as the other. It’s such a crazy cool thing to think about! That every decision that was made up to that point led them to each other. 🙂
Can you tell I’ve been loving shooting in open fields lately? This particular location in Temecula has beautiful wildflowers and rolling hills, top that off with the warmest sunset and you’ve got an equation for stunning photos.

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