Prospect Park and these two. I seriously COULD NOT EVEN with these two!! I die every time I look at their photos because I seriously had SO MUCH fun with them creating the magic you’re about to see!
I photographed Kristin’s sister’s (Jacqueline) wedding last November and omg that was such a perfect perfect day too (to check that out, click here) and so I could not be more excited and happy that these two chose to have me photograph their wedding too! Alsooooo they are getting ready at one of my most favorite venues EVER soooooo I just freakin can’t wait.
And no I’m not telling you which venue it is…. gotta wait for June next year 😉
Anyways, I don’t know why I’m still talking because these photos speak for themselves. So I’m going to shut up and let you gawk at these two!!!
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