I looooooove it when couples choose the location that they got engaged at! Eric proposed to Janika at Balboa Park and we took photos in the exact (at least close to the exact) spot where she said yes! It’s just extra special when we’re taking photos knowing those memories are running through their minds! 🙂 so fun.
I also appreciated that Eric & Janika were actually laughing at my dad jokes… Eric & I were competing for the best one at one point – I think I won 😉
It was so fun hearing their story… according to Janika, she knew within the first 5 minutes that she was going to marry Eric… and well, here we are! So I guess she was right 😉
The sunset was totally on my side this day – and I was soooo happy about that! We had so much fun and they were open and willing to whatever crazy ideas I threw at them, and for that I am thankful! Can’t wait for their wedding in May!

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