These two were a blast to work with! I heard a familiar line from them that sounded something like “We’ve never taken professional photos before, so we might be awkward!” and just like every time before, I walked way from that session thinking “Awkward who?”
Morgan was another awesome bride in that she took into consideration my tips and tricks about outfits! If you don’t know, part of the process of hiring me means that you receive monthly emails that give you practical information you can use to prepare for engagement and wedding day! One of those emails talks about what to wear when you take your engagement photos and Morgan did a fantastic job choosing these outfits!
One of my favorite things to do if time allows, is at the end of every session I ask the couple if they know what their first dance song is going to be. And usually, they either have a general idea or they at least have a favorite song for their relationship, and so I tell them to dance to that song and just hold each other/take in the moment. Because ultimately, yes, we want to take beautiful images that last a lifetime, but we are also celebrating the fact that two humans have chosen to spend the rest of their lives together. And I ALWAYS want to make sure I keep that in the fore-front of our minds from engagement to wedding day: no matter what happens, even if everything else falls through, you two are getting married… and THAT’S what’s most important!

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